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UR Recipes – November 4, 2016

Healthy Thanksgiving Makeovers

By UrbanRemedy

With its focus on appreciating autumn’s bountiful harvest, Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to rethink unhealthy food traditions. This year, we’re d…

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General – January 30, 2014

We Go Nuts for Nuts!

By Rebecca

This holiday season, chestnuts won’t be the only legumes roasting on our open fire. Nuts are packed with nutrition, protein, and minerals to sustain you…

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General – January 9, 2014

Mood Boosting Yoga Poses

By Rebecca

The winter can be stressful. At Urban Remedy we want your winter memories to be family-filled instead of catastrophe-ridden. Here are a few yoga poses to …

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General – December 31, 2013

Ingredient Spotlight: Cranberries

By Rebecca

Cranberries are this holiday season’s tangy superstar. Fresh, sweet, and festive, these berries are packed with nutrition, vitamin C, fiber, and antiox…

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