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General – September 30, 2014

Why is Raw Juice So Popular?

By Megan

Perhaps you’ve noticed that suddenly cold pressed, raw, certified organic juice is EVERYWHERE. The raw juice trend speaks to our growing consciousness …

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General – September 26, 2014

Eating for Nutrition: Food Integrity Simplified

By Megan

How do you sift through all the food labels and know that you are eating clean? Trying to eat well is challenging enough, but add in a list of food labels …

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General – September 23, 2014

10 Tips for Less Stress

By Megan

When we talk about health and nutrition, it’s impossible to just talk about the body. Health is the balance and connection we feel within our body, mind,…

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UR Wellbeing – September 19, 2014

The Cold Brew Ritual

By Megan

For some of us, coffee is an essential daily ritual. Honor it… When you need a  pick-me-up, choose one that will continue to hold you up. The rich and s…

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UR Recipes – September 16, 2014

Recipe: Fast & Easy Raw Vegan Lasagna

By Megan

Lasagna may be one comfort food that is subtly layered into your memory. The aroma of hearty tomato sauce held together by dense layers of pasta and cheese…

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UR Healing – September 10, 2014

Checking in on #MyUrbanRemedy Challenge

By Betsy

We’re in full swing for the #MyUrbanRemedy challenge, and we couldn’t be happier with your results. See how you are doing below! GET STARTED WITH #MYUR…

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General – September 9, 2014

Eliminate Toxins with a Juice Cleanse

By Megan

There isn’t a lot we can do to eliminate environmental toxins, but we can eliminate those in our own home. Cleaning agents, solvents, body products, and …

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General – September 3, 2014

Jumpstart your Metabolism with Raw Foods

By Megan

When you hear the word metabolism, the words fit and thin might resonate within your auto-brain. There are just certain loaded words in our culture that ex…

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