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How to do a Juice Cleanse

UR Healing – January 4, 2021

How to Do a Juice Cleanse

By Neka Pasquale, Founder of Urban Remedy

The beginning of any new year is one of the most popular times to do an organic juice cleanse. For many, it’s motivation or part of a resolution to begin…

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UR Wellbeing – December 19, 2016

7 Easy Tips For a Healthy New Year

By Neka Pasquale, Founder of Urban Remedy

Trying to get back on track after holiday indulgences can be difficult. A little too much mulled wine followed by a greasy breakfast and holiday sweets can…

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UR Healing – September 26, 2016

Recipe: Skin Beautiful Green Juice

By Neka Pasquale, Founder of Urban Remedy

Fresh juices rapidly supply your body with health-promoting enzymes, vitamins, minerals, pigments, and phytonutrients. Enzymes are essential for digesting …

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UR Healing – September 5, 2016

How to detoxify your body and feel your best

By Neka Pasquale, Founder of Urban Remedy

Feeling sluggish or experiencing digestive problems? Suffering from allergies, headaches, sinus problems, or skin issues? Dealing with insomnia or hormonal…

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UR Healing – April 23, 2015

Avocados, Oh My!

By Megan

Avocados are a delicious, creamy fruit associated with many health benefits. Native to Mexico and Central America, botanically they are considered a berry.…

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General – January 7, 2015

The New Year’s Resolution, Nutrition

By Megan

As each year comes to an end, many of us reflect upon the past year and feel inspired to make resolutions that will make our new year better than the last.…

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General – September 9, 2014

Eliminate Toxins with a Juice Cleanse

By Megan

There isn’t a lot we can do to eliminate environmental toxins, but we can eliminate those in our own home. Cleaning agents, solvents, body products, and …

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General – August 12, 2014

Holistic Healing Diet

By Megan

Because the word holistic is so freely used these days, I find myself using finger quotes every time I say, “holistic.” The term has earned its badge …

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General – November 26, 2013

Skin that Can Weather Any Storm

By Rebecca

Happy skin? Happy life! While cleansers and creams are definitely essential skincare components, eating the right foods keeps you glowing from the inside o…

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Urban Remedy Juice Cleanse

UR Healing – March 12, 2013

How to Do a Juice Cleanse

By Neka Pasquale, Founder of Urban Remedy

Congratulations on your decision to do a juice cleanse! Here are some simple tips on doing a juice cleanse that’s successful, easy and fun. Pre-Cleanse …

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