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UR Recipes – March 15, 2017

Recipe: Mint Cacao Chip Nice Cream

By UrbanRemedy

When Bay Area foodie and home cook Reuel of Food Reuels came to us with a plan to create a decadent nice cream from our Mint Cacao Chip shake, we couldn…

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UR Recipes – February 1, 2017

Healthy Superbowl Swaps

By UrbanRemedy

Swap the standard sugar- and gluten-laden game day fare for our menu featuring recipes for fresh, delicious nourishing foods, packed with healing ingredien…

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UR Recipes – September 16, 2016

Zucchini Chips

By Neka Pasquale, Founder of Urban Remedy

For many gardeners, summer’s end means a scramble to find new, easy, delicious ways to use a bumper-crop of zucchini. Fortunately, our zucchini chips are…

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UR Wellbeing – February 9, 2016

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Refined Sugar

By Neka Pasquale, Founder of Urban Remedy

Satisfying your sweet tooth and snacking healthily are no longer mutually exclusive. At Urban Remedy, we couldn’t go without our sweets, so we’ve found…

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UR Recipes – July 29, 2014

RECIPE: Easy, Homemade Protein Bar

By Megan

We use food to satisfy. We use food for nutrition. We use food to celebrate. We use food to honor. When a life is brought into this world and when a life l…

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