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General – August 25, 2014

Answer the #MyUrbanRemedy Challenge!

By Kate

This past week, we kicked off the #MyUrbanRemedy Challenge; a late-summer push toward achieving the goals that top our total-health to-do lists! Until Sep…

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General – August 19, 2014

Fight Depression with a Healthy Diet

By Megan

An astounding number of Americans suffer from depression. Studies show that despite current efforts to treat depression, it is becoming more prevalent. The…

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UR Wellbeing – August 15, 2014

Kale Trip: Eat Healthy while Traveling

By Megan

While on the journey to better nutrition, there can be some bumps in the road. Traveling can certainly present some food challenges. My recent experience …

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General – August 12, 2014

Holistic Healing Diet

By Megan

Because the word holistic is so freely used these days, I find myself using finger quotes every time I say, “holistic.” The term has earned its badge …

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General – August 9, 2014

Eating Organic is in! Are you?

By Megan

There is a whole slew of information out about certified organic vs. conventional. For every reason not to opt for organic, there is a better reason why yo…

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General – August 1, 2014

Truth or Trend? Eating Seasonally is what it’s all about!

By Megan

Eating in Season is better for you. We’ve all heard eating seasonally offers us better nutrition, as well as being better for the environment. But what d…

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