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UR Healing, UR Wellbeing – May 9, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Nut Milk

By Neka Pasquale, Founder of Urban Remedy

Everything You Need to Know About Nut Milk

We have all seen the “Got Milk” ad. You may have been convinced that drinking milk was an important part of a healthy diet full of nutrition. In more recent times, the idea that milk is full of health benefits has been challenged. Milk no longer has that same reputation of being a health food. In fact, your grocery store likely offers an array of alternatives to cow’s milk. Soy, nut, seed, and coconut milk have been growing in popularity, and many would assume they are a much healthier alternative.

Here’s What You Need to Know About Nut Milk and Other Dairy Alternatives

Fresh nut milk is a wonderful alternative to dairy milk, especially if you are lactose intolerant or choose not to consume dairy. I don’t include soy milk here because of its controversial background. Beside the fact that soy has been linked to interfering with the body’s natural hormone balance, soy itself is a huge business. The majority of soy is GMO and has become so readily available because it is cheap to produce. If you are trying to avoid dairy, look at some better alternatives than soy.

Learn to differentiate between the quality of your options. Look for added sugar, additives and preservatives such as carrageenan, which is a thickening agent and has been linked with gastrointestinal inflammation. No thank you! Question the nature and nutrition of the foods you eat. 

Are Nut Milks Actually Good for You?

There are two answers to this question. Yes, fresh nut milks are a much healthier alternative to processed, pasteurized cow’s milk, especially the non-organic type. However, there are two types of nut milk. Fresh nut milk, which offers the wonderful benefits of nutrition, the vitamins and minerals that come from the freshness of the nut.

Then there is the second type of nut milk: the type that sits on the shelf for months and has added sugar, flavoring and preservatives. This form has been processed to the point that the original nutrients have been depleted. So to answer the question, “Is nut milk really good for you?” you have to consider the quality, the process, and the added ingredients.

When choosing a nut milk, it should be fresh (needing refrigeration) and the co-ingredients should be simple and healthy. It can be difficult to find fresh options that don’t have added white sugars and other preservatives. However, all of Urban Remedy nut milks are cold pressed, fresh and made to consume within a few days so that you get all the nutritional benefits. Plus, they taste delicious! So when you don’t have time to soak, press and perfect your own nut milk recipe, count on Urban Remedy’s high quality nut milks. We believe that food is healing.

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