We have a new super refreshing summer drink full of nutrition: Watermelon Cucumber juice with a squeeze of lemon. It’s amazing!
Why watermelon, you might ask?
* Full of nutrition: vitamin C and vitamin A due to its concentration of beta-carotene.
* Contains lycopene, a potent antioxidant that gives watermelon its bright red color. Watermelons have the highest lycopene content out of any fruit or vegetable!
* Rehydration. Rich in electrolytes, so it’s a healthy alternative to sports drinks.
* Contains vitamin B, which contributes to increased energy production. Some food experts recommend watermelon for vitamin B1, B6, and magnesium deficiencies. Vitamin B6 increases the brain’s ability to cope with anxiety and panic.
* Keeps you cool on those extra hot days of summer.
You can get it at Evo Spa in Mill Valley or the Bay Club in Corte Madera. Enjoy!