In Chinese medicine, avocado is cooling and nourishes the yin, helping dry skin, hair, eyes and anti-aging. Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats, which raise levels of good cholesterol while lowering the bad. It also benefits the lungs, liver and stomach helping symptoms like dry cough, stress and ulcers.
This delicious Summer staple is antioxidant-rich with lycopene, beta-carotene and vitamins E and C. Tomatoes aid in heart health, disease prevention, and healthy skin and eyes.
Cucumbers contain most of the daily vitamins and minerals your body needs. Their juice is rich in electrolytes, hydrates cells, and contains soluble fiber which assists nutrient absorption through the intestinal tract. Cucumbers also have alkaline-forming minerals such as silica and sulfur that support hair growth and healthy skin.
This Summer marvel has the highest lycopene (antioxidant) content out of any fruit or vegetable! It’s been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years for its cooling, hydrating properties.
Leafy greens
Leafy greens are rich in vitamins and minerals with anti-inflammatory properties. The darker the leaf the more nutrient dense. Try mixing up your greens. Collards contain twice the protein and iron than kale while spinach has more magnesium which is important for strong bones.