Here at Urban Remedy, we get a lot of questions about nanization and tinctures when people ask about our nutrition Spikes. If I’m eating healthily, why would I need a supplement? Today is the day we settle all the confusion!
What You Didn’t Know about Your Nutrition
Eating right has always been a cornerstone of nutritional doctrine, however did you know that oftentimes nutrients you consume are never actually absorbed into your body? No matter how healthy we keep our meal plan, nutrients are often wasted. Some are over-consumed, thus overloading the body’s ability to absorb all of the nutrition coming its way and leaving many nutrients unused, while others are simply consumed in a form that cannot be assimilated into our various bodily systems. What a waste!
Now there are other options. Adding nanized tinctures into your meal plan is a great way to boost nutrient assimilation, or absorption, into the body.
What is Nanization?
Nanization is the molecular process that breaks down herbal compounds into nano-sized phytonutrients to facilitate digestion. Basically, nutrients are nanized, or pre-digested, and cut up into teeny tiny little particles so that they can be better absorbed into your body, increasing nutrient assimilation.
At Urban Remedy, we offer a variety of different spikes composed of perfectly-dosed nanized tinctures that target a wide range of symptoms. In conjunction with our juices and smoothies, these spikes can increase nutrition assimilation, helping you waste less of the good stuff!
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