Herb Garden Your Day Away
Planet Earth called, and your next summer hobby is here. This season… plant an herb garden! Growing your own herbs not only gives you direct access to your own fresh private ingredient supply, but gardening contributes to the overall nutrition of the planet… our shared home. Environmental responsibility is all the rage this season, so plant these crops for your personal patch of herb perfection.
Basil – Though sweet as can be, this herb packs a punch! With incredible immunity-boosting power, nutrition and anti-inflammatory properties, this leafy green relieves physical stress and empowers your body against infectious pests. Mix with pine nuts, parmigiano cheese, and extra virgin olive oil for a yummy pesto spread!
Chives – Garlicky in flavor, this green herb garnishes any dish with professional pizzazz. Part of the allicin family along with onions and scallions, chives keep your blood pressure in check by lowering bad cholesterol, helping you stay calm and cleansed. Keep chives on hand, and impress any guest with that extra special something on every plate.
Rosemary – Asthma got you gasping? Rosemary contains anti-inflammatory compounds that actually reduce the effects of asthma attacks through plain old nutrition. This herb also aids your circulatory and digestive systems, for an energy filled, more vibrant you. Try a sprig of rosemary in soups and stews for that next dimension of flavor!
Mint – Fresh and sweet, this leafy green pairs perfectly with chocolate, blueberries, and lime! Mint reduces body heat, clears rashes, and relieves head and eye aches, helping your body stay clear and refreshed after a long hot summer day. Add mint to your lemonade and cool off with double the freshness!
Thyme – Lemony in scent, thyme is rich in vitamins A, C, B-6, iron, and magnesium. Whoa! This herb helps the body battle potential threatening infections and free radicals that could later cause cancer development. In this social season of family hugs, party high-fives, and other potential germy interactions, it’s never been a better time for thyme nutrition!
Freshen up the backyard, and grow your personal herb oasis, to heal yourself and Mother Earth all at once!
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