We love hearing success stories from our customers. Here is one from a converted juice cleanser who wasn’t sure she could do it before she tried our juice.
“I shied away from any type of a cleanse, or any type of fasting, because I always feared that with low blood pressure, coupled with a high energy life-style, I would just not be able to make it through an entire day on juices alone.
Then Neka gave a talk to a group doing a 40 day Yoga intensive, and in the talk she offered us each 3 samples of her juices. I knew then that I could do it. Each juice was delicious. Each juice was very different from the others. AND, (and this was a big AND) the amount/volume of juice was substantial.
Between the differences in taste, texture and function, I knew that I would be able to stick with it. I committed to 3 days, and at the end of 3 days felt so great that I committed to 3 more. At the end of the six days I felt great. I felt light.
I have wanted to be for a very long time: sugar free, many pounds lighter (although that was not the intention of the cleanse, just a result), and have just a great sense of well being. I have decided to continue “juicing” at least one day a week. This week I am doing two days, just because it feels like the right thing to do–you know–getting back on track after the Holidays.”
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