New Year’s Resolution #1: I will take better care of my skin
Juice cleanses can optimize skin health and nutrition. The top four juices for healthy skin are carrot, blueberry, kale and lemon, all of which are featured in the Signature Cleanse. Other great ways to promote skin health are protection from the sun, vitamin A intake and staying hydrated!
New Year’s Resolution #2: I will not poison myself
Pesticides, antibiotics and hormones are not a part of a well-balanced meal plan. Do 2013 right and go certified organic! Urban Remedy products are 100% certified organic and 100% poison-free. All of the ingredients we use are grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetic modification or ionizing radiation. If you don’t have access to organic food where you live, you can order our juices, snacks and smoothies online.
New Year’s Resolution #3: I will heal my heart
Your heart craves foods that are low in saturated fats and cholesterol but high in nutrition, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. For a heart cleanse, try the Signature Cleanse, featuring your heart’s favorite foods: raspberries, blueberries, acai, apple, almonds, and cashews. Other things hearts love: long walks, sunshine, fresh vegetables, and acts of kindness.
New Year’s Resolution #4: I will follow through on my commitments
When you do your juice cleanse, fully commit to ensure the cleanse works best for your heart, mind, and body. We suggest a 100% juice cleanse because eating slows down the cleansing process, but if you do choose to eat, only eat organic fruits, vegetables or soaked nuts/seeds. Set yourself up for success: ask your friends and family to support you, and set aside time for reflection and relaxation. We believe in you!
New Year’s Resolution #5: I will manage my sweet tooth
Not all sugars are created equal. Our low-glycemic sweet treats only use raw, natural and healthy ingredients full of nutrition. Urban Remedy-approved sweet fixings: coconut sugar, apple, date, banana, and honey.
New Year’s Resolution #6: I will love my body better
“Love” is more than a feeling or a concept: it’s an action. To love your body means eating lots of greens, fruits, and superfoods. It means eating certified organic foods that are free of pesticides and hormones. It means avoiding processed foods and sugars. It means breaking old habits that no longer serve you. What will you do this year to love your body better?
New Year’s Resolution #7: I will be a leader in my community
The more you educate yourself about health and nutrition, the greater a community asset you become. Educate your community about diet, nutrition and lifestyle habits that promote health. One great way to do this is to keep up with our blog, which is filled with informative posts about improving health through better nutrition. Spread the word about Urban Remedy! We want our products to reach everyone in need of healing.
New Year’s Resolution #8: I will eat the rainbow
Nature offers a full spectrum of colors for good reason. Each colored group of fruits or vegetables offers different nutrition. Here’s the shorthand list:
The Reds: Polyphenol neutralizes free radicals and inhibits inflammation; powerful antioxidants
The Oranges: Beta-cryptoxanthin supports eye, bone, and cell growth; Alpha-carotene supports the immune system; Vitamin C supports the immune system
The Yellows: Limonoids might lower cholesterol and help fight cancer; Lutein and zeaxanthin support eye health; Vitamin C
The Greens: Chlorophyll rebuilds and replenishes our red blood cells, boosting our energy and increasing our well-being; Vitamin K supports bone and blood health
The Purples: Indoles may fight against cancerous cells; Anthocyanins are antioxidants that support brain functioning and may reduce the risk of heart disease
New Year’s Resolution #9: I will make time for the things I love
Urban Remedy Meals are a great way to eat on the go without sacrificing your health and nutrition. You can get filled up without having to drive anywhere, wait in line, or go shopping. These meal replacement smoothies are rich with vitamins, nutrients and energizing ingredients. What do you want to make time for this year?
New Year’s Resolution #10: I will embody my beliefs
Be transparent about what you believe in and share it with others. If you care about your body, love eating well, and don’t eat junk food, let others know! If you believe in juicing and going gluten-free, spread the word. You make a difference!
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