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Sleep is the Best Meditation – Dalai Lama

Our bodies are programmed to live in harmony with the rhythm of nature. This means we naturally should sleep and wake with the sunset and sunrise. Sleep is the time the body and brain undergo repair and detoxification. Poor sleep can have many causes, but whatever its cause, its effects can be disruptive. Without proper sleep, the body’s immune system weakens, motor skills slow, and energy levels tank.

Peaceful Sleep

Calming the spirit

Some common foods used in Chinese medicine to calm spirit are seaweeds, oyster shell, beets, asparagus, reishi mushroom and Senega root. Lifestle changes to support a good nights sleep include regular exercise and stress reduction practices like meditation, tai chi, and journaling. Cutting out sttimulants, caffeine, alcohol, and late night screen time are good rituals for a good nights sleep.